MightyIQ uses technology to enable businesses of all sizes, we help them discover new growth opportunities, and bring our clients closer to emerging technologies, and transform their overall business performance in a positive way.
Enabling business efficiency through the power of web technology and digital transformation. Customers are at the focal point of our operational universe here at MightyIQ and we commit to show the best of experiences strategically catered to meet the individual growth requirements of every customer.
We are building a comprehensive headless web platform with eCommerce functionality + inventory management for the client with an extensive product catalog.
Digital Strategy
Digital Strategy - Sweet Dreams Furniture, Amherst
We helped the client analyze their existing market positioning and how they can improvise their digital storefront.
Web Design & Development - Stan's Shop, Lunenburg
We built a future ready website with eCommerce functionality for our client.
SEO, Google Marketing & Digital Strategy - Blue Door Group, Halifax
We helped the client to analyze and make recommendations on SEO health, helped them configure Google My Business page and did competitive marketing research.
How We Work
As a first step, we meet up with the client preferably and get the feedback - on what they want us to build.
Once we received the inputs, we will look at the competition and doing market research.
Based on the inputs and our understanding from the research - we will build a prototype - which is aligned towards the client needs.
We will then design the website as per the inputs received in our market research - and other related tasks.
We will then develop the website as per the client needs.
MightyIQ enables digital transformation for businesses of all sizes by providing seamless growth opportunities, business efficiency and actionable insights.